On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 20:51, Stephen Crowley wrote:
> Does postgres cache the entire result set before it begins returning
> data to the client?
Sometimes you need to be careful as to how the clients treat the data.
For example psql will resize columns width on the length (width) of the
data returned.
PHP and Perl will retrieve and cache all of the rows if you request a
row count ($sth->rows() or pg_num_rows($rset))
You may find that using a cursor will help you out.
> I have a table with ~8 million rows and I am executing a query which
> should return about ~800,000 rows. The problem is that as soon as I
> execute the query it absolutely kills my machine and begins swapping
> for 5 or 6 minutes before it begins returning results. Is postgres
> trying to load the whole query into memory before returning anything?
> Also, why would it choose not to use the index? It is properly
> estimating the # of rows returned. If I set enable_seqscan to off it
> is just as slow.
> Running postgres 8.0 beta2 dev2
> explain select * from island_history where date='2004-09-07' and stock='QQQ';
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Seq Scan on island_history (cost=0.00..266711.23 rows=896150 width=83)
> Filter: ((date = '2004-09-07'::date) AND ((stock)::text = 'QQQ'::text))
> (2 rows)
> Any help would be appreciated
> --Stephen
> Table "public.island_history"
> Column | Type | Modifiers
> ------------------+------------------------+-----------
> date | date | not null
> stock | character varying(6) |
> time | time without time zone | not null
> reference_number | numeric(9,0) | not null
> message_type | character(1) | not null
> buy_sell_ind | character(1) |
> shares | numeric(6,0) |
> remaining_shares | numeric(6,0) |
> price | numeric(10,4) |
> display | character(1) |
> match_number | numeric(9,0) | not null
> Indexes:
> "island_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (date, reference_number,
> message_type, "time", match_number)
> "island_history_date_stock_time" btree (date, stock, "time")
> "island_history_oid" btree (oid)
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Rod Taylor <rbt [at] rbt [dot] ca>
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL
PGP Key: http://www.rbt.ca/signature.asc