This should throw an error if you try to setXXX(n,obj) if n is greater
than the number of parameters you have?
On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 22:18, Oliver Jowett wrote:
> Andreas Percher wrote:
> > Sending a "begin" it gives us a SQL Error
> > "Spaltenindex außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs"
> > Which meens
> > "The column index is out of range."
> >
> > --> postgresql.res.colrange:Spaltenindex außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs
> >
> > --> postgresql.res.colrange:The column index is out of range.
> >
> > This error message occur after 13-16 inserts, depending on the column
> > count of each insert. Sending the inserts without the long data field
> > "specialequipment", results in letting the error occur one insert later.
> >
> > In case of the Error, round about 600 columns (counted over all inserts)
> > are waiting for its commitment.
> Can you provide the full stack trace? I just dug through the driver and
> the only place that this exception will be thrown is when querying a
> ResultSet (either a ResultSet.getXXX() call, or from inspecting a
> ResultSetMetaData). It seems strange that these methods would ever get
> invoked if you're only doing updates..
> -O
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Dave Cramer
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