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System Configuration
Architecture (example: Intel Pentium) : Intel Pentium
Operating System (example: Linux 2.4.18) : Debian unstable
Linux 2.6.6-1-k7
PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-8.0): PostgreSQL-8.0 CVS HEAD
Compiler used (example: gcc 2.95.2) : gcc 3.3.4
Please enter a FULL description of your problem:
Problems with Turkish locale are widely known to developers.
Another one, now in PL/pgSQL have reared it's ugly head.
Regression tests are failing at triggers, plpgsql, copy2
and rangefuncs. Examienation of regression.diff showed that
the failures were due to unrecognised statements like
BEGIN, RAISE and IF in PL/pgSQL functions. Replacing
capital "I" with lower-case "i" (BEGiN, RAiSE, iF) completely
sloves the problem.
If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:
Apparently problem is caused by the following directive:
%option case-insensitive
on line 76 in file src/pl/plpgsql/src/scan.l
flex (flex version 2.5.4) incorporates case-insensitivity in it's
state tables because if I run flex stage with LANG=C everything
works fine. A quick and dirty fix could be implemented by placing
export LANG
in file src/pl/plpgsql/src/Makefile before calling flex.
A long term fix can be done by implementing a function
for keyword lookup like ScanKeywordLookup() in
I would gladly prepare a patch and send it for your consideration
tomorrow morning.
Best regards,
Nicolai Tufar