bug report - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Krzysztof Kajkowski
Subject bug report
Msg-id 1084267667.10052.20.camel@localhost
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: bug report
List pgadmin-support

Thanks for making one of the most usable program for PostgreSQL!

I think I've found a bug. Steps to reproduce:

- open program and a connection to remote postgres db (via ssh tunnel
for example)
- click on desired table
- click on SQL console
- in the opened console delete "--" sign before DROP statement. SQL will
look like this (for example):

DROP TABLE public.artykuly;

CREATE TABLE public.artykuly
  numer int8,
  autor text,
  podtytul text,
  tytul text
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE public.artykuly FROM public;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.artykuly TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.artykuly TO cayco;

- run the statement
- if you close the SQL window the program will immediately terminate (in
90% of cases) and throw a memory protection fault.

I attached a valgrind log from the program crash. I don't know what
could be more helpful - feel free to ask me!


11:27 (cayco@laptop)~$ apt-cache show pgadmin3
Package: pgadmin3
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Installed-Size: 10440
Maintainer: Raphael Enrici <blacknoz@club-internet.fr>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.0.2-4

Debian Sid.

Krzysztof Kajkowski    GG: 176706     jabber: cayco@chrome.pl
Gazeta Studencka    http://www.studencka.pl/
Registered Linux user:    237605
IT professional. Linux. Administration. Programming.


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Subject: problems in connecting to a server
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