I think you should use a cursor; you declare it, and then you fetch the rows as you need them.
On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 14:04, Christoffer Gurell wrote:
I want to create a program which displays large tables and makes this possible
over a slow connection. The problem is that when i do a PQexec the entire
retultset is transfered.
I would like to make pqsql process the query but only tranfer the the rows i
ask for when i ask for them. This way i could transfer just the information
currently displayed and not the entire result.
Is this possible or do i have to do a (create temp table as select ...) and
then do (select ... limit ..) in this temporary table?
This would work but i dont think it's a very good solution.
/ Christoffer Gurell
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