pg_hda.conf - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Bo Lorentsen
Subject pg_hda.conf
Msg-id 1069430667.25767.16.camel@localhost
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: pg_hda.conf
List pgsql-novice
Hi ...

I have just converted (upgraded) to Oliver's postgresql 7.4 debian
package (and, thanks for a nice package), and the installation went ok
(execpt it did not migrate automiticly, as it usually do), but ..

I can't log onto the database using different user names than the
current unix user id.

Fx. if I am user "www-data" I can't logon to database "wiki" as user
"wiki", but this use to work !

I know the magic is performed in the pg_hba.conf file, and I have been
there adding this :

local   all   all                                  trust
host    all   all  trust

But I still get this "IDENT" error while loging onto the system, WHY ?

It act like I had written "same user" and not "trust", but only while
using 7.4. And yes I have restarted postmaster after fixing the config
files :-)

I am running debian linux sarge, on a i386 platform, if that helps.

Looking forward to any hint that may help me solve this problem.


pgsql-novice by date:

From: "Viaris hotmail"
Subject: Re: Help for construct Query
Subject: Re: parse error in set statement