On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 08:36, Jeff wrote:
> So here's the results using my load tester (single connection per beater,
> repeats the query 1000 times with different input each time (we'll get
> ~20k rows back), the query is a common query around here.
What is the query?
> Linux - 1x - 35 seconds, 20x - 180 seconds
"20x" means 20 concurrent testing processes, right?
> Sun - gcc - 1x 60 seconds 20x 245 seconds
> Sun - sunsoft defaults - 1x 52 seonds 20x [similar to gcc most likely]
> Sun - sunsoft -fast - 1x 28 seconds 20x 164 seconds
Interesting (and surprising that the performance differential is that
large, to me at least). Can you tell if the performance gain comes from
an improvement in a particular subsystem? (i.e. could you get a profile
of Sun/gcc and compare it with Sun/sunsoft).