On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 11:45, Damon Courtney wrote:
> Is there some easy way I can take an old PGDATA directory and load
> it into a new instance of Postgres? My server was rebuilt, and I didn't
> get a chance to dump the database to restore it in the new server.
Thus, again, we learn the necessity of *regular*, *frequent* backups.
> Will copying the old data directory into the new server really screw
> things up? Is there some method by which I can somehow "import" data from
> those old data files into the new server?
Was the DB cleanly shutdown when the "OS" backup was taken? If
so, then, if the config files are the same as before, and you put
it all back in the same directory tree, it might/should work.
Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA
"...always eager to extend a friendly claw"