Re: EXTERNAL storage and substring on long strings - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From Scott Cain
Subject Re: EXTERNAL storage and substring on long strings
Msg-id 1060010735.1433.26.camel@localhost.localdomain
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: EXTERNAL storage and substring on long strings  (Ron Johnson <>)
Responses Re: [SQL] EXTERNAL storage and substring on long strings
Re: [SQL] EXTERNAL storage and substring on long strings
List pgsql-performance

Note: there is a SQL question way at the bottom of this narrative :-)

Last week I asked about doing substring operations on very long strings
(>10 million characters).  I was given a suggestion to use EXTERNAL
storage on the column via the ALTER TABLE ... SET STORAGE command.  In
one test case, the performance of substring actually got worse using
EXTERNAL storage.

In an effort to find the best way to do this operation, I decided to
look at what is my "worst case" scenario: the DNA sequence for human
chromosome 1, which is about 250 million characters long (previous
strings where about 20 million characters long).  I wrote a perl script
to do several substring operations over this very long string, with
substring lengths varying between 1000 and 40,000 characters spread out
over various locations along the string.  While EXTENDED storage won in
this case, it was a hollow victory: 38 seconds per operation versus 40
seconds, both of which are way too long to for an interactive

Time for a new method.  A suggestion from my boss was to "shred" the DNA
into smallish chunks and a column giving offsets from the beginning of
the string, so that it can be reassembled when needed. Here is the test

string=> \d dna
      Table "public.dna"
 Column  |  Type   | Modifiers
 foffset | integer |
 pdna    | text    |
Indexes: foffset_idx btree (foffset)

In practice, there would also be a foreign key column to give the
identifier of the dna.  Then I wrote the following function (here's the
SQL part promised above):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dna_string (integer, integer) RETURNS TEXT AS '
    smin ALIAS FOR $1;
    smax ALIAS FOR $2;
    longdna         TEXT := '''';
    dna_row         dna%ROWTYPE;
    dnastring       TEXT;
    firstchunk      INTEGER;
    lastchunk       INTEGER;
    in_longdnastart INTEGER;
    in_longdnalen   INTEGER;
    chunksize       INTEGER;
    SELECT INTO chunksize min(foffset) FROM dna WHERE foffset>0;
    firstchunk :=  chunksize*(smin/chunksize);
    lastchunk  :=  chunksize*(smax/chunksize);

    in_longdnastart := smin % chunksize;
    in_longdnalen   := smax - smin + 1;

    FOR dna_row IN
        SELECT * FROM dna
        WHERE foffset >= firstchunk AND foffset <= lastchunk
        ORDER BY foffset

        longdna := longdna || dna_row.pdna;

    dnastring := substring(longdna FROM in_longdnastart FOR in_longdnalen);

    RETURN dnastring;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

So here's the question: I've never written a plpgsql function before, so
I don't have much experience with it; is there anything obviously wrong
with this function, or are there things that could be done better?  At
least this appears to work and is much faster, completing substring
operations like above in about 0.27 secs (that's about two orders of
magnitude improvement!)


Scott Cain, Ph. D.                               
GMOD Coordinator (                     216-392-3087
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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