> > Uhmm. MySQL AB are not "playing" the PHP community. I happen to know
> > the folks doing the licensing quite well, and while I don't particularly
> > like how its been handled, I'm certain there was/is no intent to play
> > PHP.
> The primary reason for changing the 4.x connect lib to GPL was to
> encourage people to buy commercial software licenses.
> In my opinion, this is playing the GPL community. PHP happens to be part
> of the community they are playing.
> What other reason can there be for switching their licensing of their
> connect libs while also making sure that 4.x won't talk to an app using
> the LGPL'd 3.x connection library?
Well, sure they're playing the GPL community. But I don't really care
about that. I personally wish the GPL was burned on every corner; I
prefer the "Free as in Free" approach.
PHP is not a part of the GPL community. We aren't even GPL compatible.
In fact, you'll find most PHP core devs have a strong disliking for the
GPL, and its "Free as in join the church and get a meal" approach.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying
to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."
- Unknown