Am Fre, 2003-05-23 um 09.46 schrieb Gerard TOURRES:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with the postmaster. When I try to start it with
> "/etc/init.d/postgresql start", i get the
> message [FAILED]. When I try to stop it, it's the same thing. Of
> course, when i want to connect to the database
> with psql ..., i have the message "can't connect to server ....". I
> have already started it before and i don't reboot since.
> The command "netstat -na|grep 5432" don't give any answer. Moreover, i
> delete the file because I thought it
> was the problem but it always failed.
> Can you help me ?
What Distribution are you using ?
What is the output of the logfiles (e.g./var/log/syslog
/var/log/messages /var/log/postgresql/* ) ?
e-Trolley Sayegh & John, Nabil Sayegh
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