On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 16:02, Delao, Darryl W wrote:
> Yes, 512 concurrent connections. I have the db running on a dual xeon 2.4
> ghz machine with 6 gig of ram...basically, im not even touching the ram at
> this point. If I wanted to increase to say 1024, then your saying I need to
> look into the kernel-level limits?
No, I think Tom is saying that you should provide the error message
you're encountering. For more information on configuring kernel-level
shared memory settings, see
P.S. User support should be done on lists like pgsql-general or
pgsql-novice, not pgsql-docs
Neil Conway <neilc@samurai.com> || PGP Key ID: DB3C29FC