Re: PostgreSQL x Oracle - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Tony Grant
Subject Re: PostgreSQL x Oracle
Msg-id 1044973410.1597.33.camel@localhost
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: PostgreSQL x Oracle  ("Ben-Nes Michael" <>)
Responses Re: PostgreSQL x Oracle
List pgsql-general
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 02:49, Ben-Nes Michael wrote:
> Im not that sure as you.
> PHP is blazing fast, especialy when it comes to handle strings.
> I ran a code that alter 10 lines text each time it loop, and i looped it
> 100,000 time, it took me 1 sec + - !
> I also read articles that compare PHP, VBScript, JSP and VBScript was last
> while PHP & JSP where the same + -.
> Maybe you mean that the PHP module that connect to Postgres is bad written ?

There is a _lot_ of badly written PHP code out there. If JSP is badly
written most times it won't compile.

Tony Grant

-- Library management software toolkit,
redhat linux on Sony Vaio C1XD,
Dreamweaver MX with Tomcat and PostgreSQL

pgsql-general by date:

From: Tony Grant
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL x Oracle
From: Glen Eustace
Subject: Re: Updating a table via a view