Ah ha. Thanks for that. I discovered this not long after posting the
message. duh! ;-)
I had ncurses installed, but not ncurses-devel. Which after installing
allowed the build to proceed okay.
Perhaps it would be wise ncurses-devel to the build pre-reqs of the RPM.
Thanks for your quick reply.
> It's not pickup up the ncurses stuff. This should have been taken
> care of during configure, but you can probably force it to work
> if you get -lncurses, -L/path/to/ncurses/libs and
> -I/path/to/ncurses/headers in there.
> m.
> d
Hadley Willan > Systems Development > Deeper Design Limited.
hadley@deeper.co.nz > www.deeperdesign.com > +64 (21) 28 41 463
Level 1, 4 Tamamutu St, PO Box 90, TAUPO 2730, New Zealand.