Hello all,
I'm writing a script that will read pipe delimited data from a text file
and insert various fields into a Postgres table. Below is some code I'm
trying to optimize:
while (<FHD>) {
chomp; #removes \n
chop; #removes trailing pipe
@line = split(/\|/, $_, 502); #The line has 502 "fields" so
#them into an array
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO cdl_16master VALUES(nextval('cdl_16_seq'),\'" .
e[22],$line[25]) . "\')");
} #end while
Just wondering if anyone has a better way of accessing the data in the
array or of storing the few fields I need temporarily until it gets
inserted into the database.
There's a better way to do this, but I'm just not thinking right.....any
suggestions are appreciated.