The whole case sensitivity thing is a problem. It is likely that the
tables are actually in lower case in the databaase, no? Postgres
actually is a case sensitive database so you have to ask for the
information in the correct case. There is one caveat: if you do create
table FOO ... it willl create a table foo. If you do create table
"FOO"... you will get a table FOO. We have some case inconsistencies in
the driver because we are waffling back and forth wrt supporting the
underlying ability to have case sensitive names or not.
As far as the update rule, and delete rule go, no there isn't patch for
it. What are you looking for exactly?
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 15:59, Eric Hallander wrote:
> I have seen some talk on some older threads about some patches for the
> getImported getExported Keys functions in the DatabaseMetaData class
> that fix:
> 1) Case sensitivity in the table name (right now I have to cast down to
> lower case to get results)
> 2) Return the proper values for the UPDATE_RULE, and DELETE_RULE columns
> I am currently using the latest developer 7.3 jdbc driver with java 1.4.
> Is there someplace I can get a fix to this?
> Eric
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