Re: JDBC and commit problems - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc
From | Robert M. Zigweid |
Subject | Re: JDBC and commit problems |
Date | |
Msg-id | 1033746657.398.115.camel@ilyria Whole thread Raw |
In response to | JDBC and commit problems ("Robert M. Zigweid" <>) |
Responses |
Re: JDBC and commit problems
List | pgsql-jdbc |
Ok, I set up a test function, very similar to what you suggested, and I stand corrected on the issue of whether or not transactions are the issue. There are, however some issues that either I'm misinformed about, or that need to be cleared up, because I'm still having a problem and it frankly, doesn't make any sense to me. SOMEWHERE there should be an error reported that is not. Please allow me to expound: Code Sample 1: The test() method. try { Connection con=getConnection(); System.out.println("BEGIN TEST"); con.setAutoCommit(false); con.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO test (col2) VALUES ('First Test')"); con.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO test (col2) VALUES ('Second Test')"); con.commit(); con.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO test (col2) VALUES ('Third Test')"); con.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO test (col2) VALUES ('Fourth Test')"); con.commit(); con.setAutoCommit(true); con.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO test (col2) VALUES ('Fifth Test')"); con.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO test (col2) VALUES ('Sixth Test')"); PreparedStatement foo=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TEST (col2) VALUES (?)"); con.setAutoCommit(true); foo.setObject(1,"PrepareTest 1"); foo.addBatch(); foo.setObject(1, "PrepareTest 2"); foo.addBatch(); foo.executeBatch(); foo.clearBatch(); foo=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TEST (col2) VALUES (?)"); con.setAutoCommit(false); foo.setObject(1,"PrepareTest 3"); foo.addBatch(); foo.setObject(1, "PrepareTest 4"); foo.addBatch(); foo.executeBatch(); con.commit(); foo.clearBatch(); System.out.println("END TEST"); } catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } This code, as written works fine, but subtle changes make it break in the PreparedStatement Section. Most notable, is if the second PreparedStatement is commented out the test method fails by throwing an SQLException error for Parameter out of range on the "PrepareTest 3" line. This occurrs regardless of the clearBatch() line's presence, so I'm assuming that executeBatch is removing the core statement which there is nothing in the JDK docs indicating that this is what should be happening (I haven't looked at the source yet). This would appear to effectively make reusing a PreparedStatement, impossible. Second Issue: Code Sample 2: try { test(); System.out.println("Test 1 complete "); results=statement.executeBatch(); System.out.println("executeBatch() complete"); test(); System.out.println("Test 2 complete"); } The test() method is the one supplied in Code Sample 1. The SQL for the PreparedStatement 'statement' is: INSERT INTO projects ( clientid, questionaireresults, summary, lead_auditorid, name) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); One statement has been added to the batch filling in three of the values, and utilizing PreparedStatements setNull() for the remaining columns. Based upon the output, all statements are successfully completed, however, no entries are inserted into the projects table. Also, no error or exception is thrown. This is a problem. Even if my statement is incorrect, an exception should be thrown reflecting the error to notify me of this. Thanks for the help so far, and I hope that we can continue to resolve this issue. Regards, Robert On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 01:50, Thomas O'Dowd wrote: > Have you tried... > [snip] > > > -- > > > Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - > > > - Testing - > > > > > > > > -- > Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - > - Testing - >
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