Re: JDBC sources - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Dave Cramer
Subject Re: JDBC sources
Msg-id 1030639020.19097.412.camel@inspiron.cramers
Whole thread Raw
In response to JDBC sources  ("Tarik Choufa" <>)
Responses Pooling Prepared Statements
List pgsql-jdbc
They come with the postgres source, or you can get them using cvs

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 12:42, Tarik Choufa wrote:
> Hi,
> Please can you tell me where I can download Postgres JDBC driver source files.
> Thanks.
> Tarik Choufa
> ZAQ Solutions Interactives
> 297 St-Paul Ouest, Bureau 105, Québec, Canada, H2Y 2A5
> Tél.: 514-282-7073 x422  Fax : 514-282-8011
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pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: "Tarik Choufa"
Subject: JDBC sources
From: "G.Nagarajan"
Subject: Pooling Prepared Statements