I'm going to ask the crazy question of what language/interface are you
using to interact with postgres? Based on my interpretation of your
question I'd say that won't break (though one of your queries might
fail) but then again I may be totally misreading what you wrote...
Robert Treat
On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 19:21, Wei Weng wrote:
> I am not sure if this is the right mailing list I talk to. Please let me
> know if I had violated any unwritten rules. :)
> I have a global variable PGconn* m_pgconn that is the connection handle
> for connecting to the postgresql database. Can I access/use the handle
> from multiple threads? Say I have a thread that does some insertion
> through this handle/database connection(m_pgconn) and also another
> thread that do some insertion *on the same table* through this
> handle(m_pgconn), will that break?
> Thanks
> --
> Wei Weng
> Network Software Engineer
> KenCast Inc.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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