On Thu, 2002-08-01 at 17:04, Nigel J. Andrews wrote:
> On 1 Aug 2002, Robert Treat wrote:
> >
> > ...
> > I tried to duplicate your findings and two things of note occured.
> > First, on postgres 7.2 your function actualiza_cuenta() doesn't seem to
> > execute properly, which causes any inserts to fail by throwing an error.
> > This begs the question of what version your running...
> I forgot to mention I tried the script having commented out the function and
> trigger because I didn't have pl/pgsql loaded in the database I was using for
> it.
> However, the mention of the function failing raises a question for me. I don't
> think I've seen this in the documentation, my apologies if it's there or a
> blindingly obvious fact, so does the trigger get run if I do something like:
> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (...);
> CREATE TRIGGER mytrigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON mytable blah, blah, blah...
> I would have said not but Robert's comment seems to be saying it is.
I think not is correct. It only attempted to pull the trigger upon
subsequent inserts I tried (having already issued the commit).
Robert Treat