To answer your other question, jdk1.4 is supported, jdbc3 is not. In
otherwords the code will run under jdk1.4 as long as you don't call any
of the jdbc3 specific methods.
I doubt that it is related to your connection problem. People tell me
that it runs under jdk1.4
On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 05:52, Dave Cramer wrote:
> Haakon,
> First a little background/history
> when jdk1.1 came out java.sql.* was implemented in the
> org.postgresql.jdbc1 package. Probably not packaged this way at the
> time, but it is before my time so I am guessing.
> Then jdk1.2 came out and this required a seperation of the packages;
> primarily because of additional Types in java.sql.Types. They couldn't
> be referenced in the jdbc1 package because they didn't exist in it.
> So it looks like the orignal people who did the jdbc2 version simply
> copied the jdbc1 stuff, repackaged it into jdbc2 and added the methods
> etc. Along they way they started using some jdbc2 specific methods such
> as the Collections package. The challenge was that there was alot of
> duplicate code shared between the packages, which meant that an update
> in one required an update in the other ....this was tolerable with only
> two packages to deal with, now we have jdbc3 and presumable we can
> expect 4, 5, .... etc.
> So the rewrite solves the problem of duplicate code shared between the
> two versions of jdbc1,jdbc2, and now jdbc3.
> We will have to implement the new methods in the jdbc3 spec.
> Dave
> On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 05:38, Håkon Hansen wrote:
> > Monday 29 July 2002 11:17, skrev Dave Cramer:
> > > Bruce,
> > >
> > > Try getting a fresh copy, Barry did a very large rewrite to prepare for
> > > jdbc3 and removed alot of files. I can compile clean.
> >
> > What does this rewrite do (or solve)? I thought JDBC3, which is suppoded to be
> > included in J2SE 1.4, would be supported by the pgjdbc2.jar driver. At least,
> > the comment next to the download link says that JDK 1.4 is supported ...
> >
> > (And Dave: Might this have something to do with my connection problem?)
> >
> >
> > Yours,
> >
> > Haakon Hansen
> > Norway
> >
> >
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