On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 16:30, Gregory Seidman wrote:
> Jani Averbach sez:
> } On Mon, 27 May 2002, dirk heitmann wrote:
> } > i have created a table with 1600 comlumns. Now i want
> } > to update some columns with new values:
> } > update db set col1=1 where col2=2;
> } >
> } > this generates the error-message:
> } > heap_formtuple: numberOfAttributes of 1601 > 1600.
> }
> } --8<--
> } Maximum number of columns in a table 1600
> } --8<--
> } http://www2.se.postgresql.org/users-lounge/limitations.html
> Which, while accurate, fails to answer the answer the question. A column is
> not being added. A table is not being created. Rows are being updated and
> the system is complaining that there are too many columns. Why?
Don't know what the answer is, but it would be interesting to confirm
whether PG thinks there are only 1600 columns. Try:
select relnatts from pg_class where relname='db';
I assume that says 1600? (I was wondering about catalogue changes such
as ADD COLUMN, but that does seem to check MaxHeapAttributeNumber)
John Gray
Azuli IT