On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 11:11, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> The subselect: (SELECT company_name FROM table)
> The output I'd like: 'Company1|Company2|Company3|etc.'
> Should I write a function or a new agreggate for this or is there is
> simpler way?
I'm afraid the cleanest way to do this is with an aggregate.
CREATE FUNCTION barjoin(text, text) RETURNS text AS ' SELECT CASE WHEN length($1) > 0 THEN $1 || ''|'' || $2 ELSE $2
CREATE AGGREGATE barconcat(basetype=text, sfunc=barjoin, stype=text, initcond='');
SELECT barconcat(company_name) FROM table;
If you're in the mood to pointlessly performance tune the snot out of
it, you could implement barjoin to simply do $1|$2, and then write a
final function for the aggregate that trimmed off the beginning |...
Andrew G. Hammond mailto:drew@xyzzy.dhs.org
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"To blow recursion you must first blow recur" -- me