UTF-8 and LC_CTYPE locale - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Stefan Hans
Subject UTF-8 and LC_CTYPE locale
Msg-id 0ffa01c559fc$dabc95b0$bf01a8c0@pc1
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general
Hi *,
we are using PostgreSQL for data in different languages like English, German and French.
The encoding and locale parameters on our OS (UTF-8 and en_US.UTF-8) had problems e.g. with german umlaut.
After some tries we found encoding and locale parameters (LATIN1 and de_DE.iso88591) which work fine concerning lc_collate and lc_type.
But our clients would prefer an UTF-8 encoding. We have tried all de_*.UTF-8* encodings but none works ("ERROR:  invalid multibyte character for locale HINT:  The server's LC_CTYPE locale is probably incompatible with the database encoding.").
There are about 140 UTF-8 locales left to try. There is the parameter client_encoding.
What shall we do?
Any hint is highly appreciated.
thx in advance

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