On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:00 AM, Guyren Howe <guyren@gmail.com> wrote:CREATE ROLE thing_accessor;CREATE ROLECREATE SCHEMA thing_accessor;CREATE SCHEMAcovermything=> ALTER ROLE thing_accessor SET search_path=thing_accessor;ALTER ROLEcovermything=# SET ROLE thing_accessor;SETcovermything=> SHOW search_path; search_path ----------------- "$user", public(1 row) This seems to contradict all the advice I can find about setting the schema search path.Settings associated with roles only take affect at session start/login. SET ROLE does not cause them to be read/executed.https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/config-setting.html"Values set with ALTER DATABASE and ALTER ROLE are applied only when starting a fresh database session."David J.
CREATE ROLE thing_accessor;CREATE ROLECREATE SCHEMA thing_accessor;CREATE SCHEMAcovermything=> ALTER ROLE thing_accessor SET search_path=thing_accessor;ALTER ROLEcovermything=# SET ROLE thing_accessor;SETcovermything=> SHOW search_path; search_path ----------------- "$user", public(1 row) This seems to contradict all the advice I can find about setting the schema search path.
CREATE ROLE thing_accessor;
CREATE SCHEMA thing_accessor;
covermything=> ALTER ROLE thing_accessor SET search_path=thing_accessor;
covermything=# SET ROLE thing_accessor;
covermything=> SHOW search_path;
"$user", public
(1 row)
This seems to contradict all the advice I can find about setting the schema search path.
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