> "lmanorders" <lmanorders@gmail.com> writes:
>> I'm attempting to determine if a stored procedure exists. If it doesn't,
>> then I want to create it. I'm developing in C++ using the libpq
>> interface. I found the following suggestion in the docs to determine if a
>> function exists or not. I tried creating what I think is an identical
>> query in pgAdmin and it seems to work ok. Can anyone tell me why the
>> following always returns PGRES_TUPLE_OK, whether the function exists or
>> not?
> PGRES_TUPLES_OK means you successfully executed a SELECT (or other
> command capable of returning tuples). It doesn't imply anything about
> how many tuples were returned. In this case, you'd want to check for
> PQntuples() > 0, as well. And perhaps think about what you'd do if
> you got more than one match, which is quite possible in view of function
> overloading, schema search path, etc.
> regards, tom lane
Thanks. That works great!