RE: SQL statement PREPARE does not work in ECPG - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Matsumura, Ryo
Subject RE: SQL statement PREPARE does not work in ECPG
Msg-id 03040DFF97E6E54E88D3BFEE5F5480F737AA90C2@G01JPEXMBYT04
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In response to RE: SQL statement PREPARE does not work in ECPG  ("Matsumura, Ryo" <>)
Responses RE: SQL statement PREPARE does not work in ECPG
List pgsql-hackers

I made mistake.

> The checking (line-1495) is meaningless for AS clause.
> It checks if all $0 is replaced to literal and all ? is replaced to $[0-9]* by insert_tobeinserted(),
> but it always fails because $[0-9]* in AS clause are not replaced (and should not be replaced).
> I don't search if there is other similar case. It is Idea-2.

It checks if a number of variables equals a number of $* after replacing $0 and ?.
It always fails because there is no variable for $* in AS clause.
We should skip AS clause at the cheking.

Umm... The skipping seems to be not easy too.

next_insert(char *text, int pos, bool questionmarks, bool std_strings)
    pos = get_pos_of_as_clause(text);  <-- parse text in ecpglib???
    for (; text[p] != '\0'; p++)
      if(is_prepare_statement(stmt) && invalid_pos(pos))

Ryo Matsumura

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