Hello !
I use MS VB6 SP5 with pgsqlodbc on a PostgreSQL 7.4.3 Database on Linux.
The PostgreSQL table 'tests' contain :
- a boolean field 'testbool',
- an integer field testint,
- a numeric field testnum.
In MS VB6 I create a Form with :
- an ADOdc control 'adodc1',
- a CheckBox control 'chkTest' with :
DataSource = adodc1,
Datafield = testbool.
The display is correct in the 'chkTest' control but
trying to update change on that control generate an error -2147217842 (aborted operation) !?
If I change the Datafield with testint or testnum it works !?
It seem like a bad interpretation of the boolean value between then CheckBox control and the ODBC driver ...
How can I workaround ? I can't change all my boolean values in the database !