I created the following tables :
test=> create table updatableArchivable ( pk serial, dateupdate timestamp
default current_timestamp, code char(10));
test=> create view tbl_vw as select code from updatableArchivable;
test=> create table archive ( pk int, dateupdate timestamp, code char(10),
dateend timestamp default current_timestamp);
My aim is to make some test to see the best way to solve archiving &
presenting things simply.
I currently could have the code on updatableArchivable unique for all
Now I created a rule so the user can update the VIEW, as follow :
test=> create rule tbl_vw_insert as
test-> on insert to tbl_vw
test-> do instead
test-> insert into updatablearchivable (code) values (new.code);
This one works !
Now I want to be able to UPDATE the view & automatically generate an
archiving of the old value into the updatableArchivable table into the
archive table.
I tried to do the following :
test=> create rule tbl_vw_update as
test-> on update to tbl_vw
test-> do instead
test-> begin work
test-> insert into archive (pk, dateupdate, code) values (old.pk,
old.dateupdate, code);
***but it generated the following ***
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "begin"
test=> create rule test=> select * from father; _insert
I thought I could do smthg like :
do instead
begin work
commit work
Could some one suggest a better solution ?
I have never seen what happens if I set multiple rules.
Are they applied in the order they were created ?
Much tx,
Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Bruxelles
yahoo-id : smetsthomas