> <grin> Personally, I frequently find that as soon as I explain a
> problem clearly, the answer becomes self-evident.
Thats exactly what I was hoping for.. but to no avail.
> >
> Hmmm... you're saying that you want all lists for a client if their
> projects have no specific lists, but the lists for the projects if they
> do? Or something else?
Yes, thats it exactly.
> And, btw, Postgres doesn't use the "inner join" syntax. Are you sure
> that you're using PostgreSQL?
If it doesnt use the inner join syntax, then what would i use in place?
"inner join" works just fine for my queries.
Im using 7.2.0
Ive always understood inner join to be faster than
select col1, col2
from tbl1,tbl1
where tbl1.col1 = tbl2.col2
But my skill doesnt go far beyond that.