Yes MS tools for MS SQL have always been there strong point. Easy to get
started and get things going quickly. I on the other hand have never ran
into a lack of flexibility with the client APIs or the stored procedure
In all cases I have encountered we have turned away from MS SQL because the
scalability and high availability options have been weak to non existent.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Merlin Moncure
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 7:19 AM
Cc: PostgreSQL-development
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] MS SQL features for new version
Most of the new features are new database tools, etc. That has always been
a strong point with SQL server. IMO, the weak point of the database (aside
from the vendor and the price), is a lack flexibility of the client APIs and
the stored procedure syntax.
The interesting features are the xml querying, recursive querying, and
'multiple active results sets'. I think MS is laying down a more relational
foundation which would allow for such features. They have been working on
this product for years and will be fun to see how it turns out.
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