Postmaster 7.1.2 hanging - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From Justin Clift
Subject Postmaster 7.1.2 hanging
Msg-id 01070614422102.00708@justin
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Postmaster 7.1.2 hanging
List pgsql-bugs
Hi all,

Running Mandrake 7.2, personally compiled version of PostgreSQL 7.1.2.

Just did a :

pg_ctl stop -m fast

And the postmaster process won't die.

Waited for about 2 minutes, then sent a normal everyday kill signal to the
postmaster process from the root user (just in case).  Haven't done a kill 9.

The last part of the postgresql log is :

pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
ERROR:  <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key referenced from
goods_bought not found in goods
pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
Fast Shutdown request at Fri Jul  6 14:33:57 2001
Aborting any active transaction...
FATAL 1:  This connection has been terminated by the administrator.

I shutdown the Tomcat process before doing any of this, so I'm thinking
that's the cause of the unexpected EOF's just before this.

When using "ps -ef" I get this listing of the PostgreSQL processes :

postgres 16067     1  0 Jul04 ?        00:00:07
/opt/postgresql/bin/postmaster -D /opt/postgresql/data -d 0 -i

So, any ideas what's jamming the database on?

This isn't urgent, it's a development database I have plenty of recent
backups of, more to let people know it's happening.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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From: "pgsql-bugs"
Subject: Re: Postmaster 7.1.2 hanging