On Wednesday, 6. June 2001 21:33, Yu Y Zhou wrote:
> Hi:
> I try to instsall postgresql natively in the windows system. I
> use the command nmake /f win32.mak with the microsoft visual C++ in
> my path under the src directory. I get the psql.exe and libpq.dll and
> other files. However, I am not able to start the database server.
> When I try the command psql in the dos mode, I get the error message
> "connectDBStart()--socket failed: error=0". Moreover I do not have
> the postmaster executable files. Would I get the postmaster excutable
> files by executing the nmake /f win32.mak command? I also install
> postgresql with Cygwin in another Window NT. I see the postmaster.exe
> in that machine, with the cygwin environment. I try to compile the
> postmaster.c file in visual C++. However, the C library files such as
> unistd.h cannot be found. I'm not able to compile postmaster.c. The
> visual C++ I used is microsoft studio 6.0 enterprise edition.
> If anybody know anything about my troubles or have any insign,
> Please let me know. I'm every appreciate it. Thank you and please
> give me some suggestions. It would be a very great help for me.
> Yu Ye Zhou
you probably need the Cygwin environment to make Windows behave
POSIX-like. See http://www.cygwin.com/
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