DBD::Pg problem? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From John Madden
Subject DBD::Pg problem?
Msg-id 0102171251280D.06704@weez
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general
The DBD::Pg perl module for some reason has a limit of 8140 bytes when
inserting, and I don't see why (yeah, I'll be contacting the authors there
too), but I thought I'd ask here... I'm writing a Postgres-backed mail
client, and storing emails in the database is obviously a little difficult
when you can't insert more than 8k.

Does anyone know why this limit exists, or if there's a way around it?


# John Madden  weez@freelists.org ICQ: 2EB9EA
# FreeLists, Free mailing lists for all: http://www.freelists.org
# UNIX Systems Engineer, Ivy Tech State College: http://www.ivy.tec.in.us
# Linux, Apache, Perl and C: All the best things in life are free!

pgsql-general by date:

From: brichard@cafod.org.uk (Bruce Richardson)
Subject: Default values?
From: "Mitch Vincent"
Subject: Re: DBD::Pg problem?