You have to put the actual name (attribute) of the column, not "col1"
On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:24, Norman J. Clarke wrote:
> Hello,
> I have not been able to get psql to show column comments in version
> 7.1beta4. Am I doing anything wrong, or is this a bug? A transcript of
> my psql session is below.
> Norm
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> norman=# create table test_table (col1 integer);
> norman=# comment on table test_table is 'this is a table comment';
> norman=# \dd test_table
> Object descriptions
> Name | Object | Description
> ------------+-------------+-------------------------
> test_table | relation(r) | this is a table comment
> (1 row)
> norman=# comment on column test_table.col1 is 'this is a column
> comment';
> norman=# \dd test_table.col1
> Object descriptions
> Name | Object | Description
> ------+--------+-------------
> (0 rows)
Sincerely etc.,
NAME Christopher Sawtell
CELL PHONE 021 257 4451
ICQ UIN 45863470
EMAIL csawtell @ xtra . co . nz
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