You may be interested by a script which drops a column as this
feature isn't supported by Postgresql. I guess it could be easier
and nice in Perl or something similar but I'm using what I know.
The parameters are in that order :
the name of the database
the table
the column to drop
psql -d $1 -c "\d $2" | awk 'BEGIN { keep=1 } /+-/ { keep=1-keep } { if
(keep) { print } }' | grep -v "\-\-" | grep -v "Table *=" | grep -v " $3 " |
sed "s/| \([^ ]*\).*/\1/" | tr -s \\012 "," | sed "s/,$//" | sed
"s/\(.*\)/select \1 into temp tmp_drop_column from $2 ; drop table $2 ;
select * into $2 from tmp_drop_column;/" > tmp_sql_drop_column
psql -d $1 -f tmp_sql_drop_column
rm tmp_sql_drop_column