Yeah, I thought about that after I sent the email. What can I say, I think
with my index finger sometimes instead of my brain :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfred Perlstein" <>
To: "Mitch Vincent" <>
Cc: "The Hermit Hacker" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] [7.0.2] rotating log files ...
> * Mitch Vincent <> [000828 11:28] wrote:
> > Can you move the logfile then touch the original file to create an empty
> > one?
> >
> > *shrug* just an idea :-)
> that won't work, the shell has attached the process's stdout/err to
> the file, you can even remove the file and the server will still have
> an open reference to it and the space won't be reclaimed.
> -Alfred