The question of LOCALE at the time of a regression test. - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Hiroshi Saito
Subject The question of LOCALE at the time of a regression test.
Msg-id 00ca01c86a54$67f8b9d0$0301a8c0@HP22720319231
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Responses Re: The question of LOCALE at the time of a regression test.
List pgsql-hackers
Hi Tom-san.

I look at that all regression tests pass by tools/msvc. It is very comfortable.!
Then, the reason, it is because no-locale is an default value.
--   my @args = (       "../../../$Config/pg_regress/pg_regress",       "--psqldir=../../../$Config/psql",
"--schedule=${schedule}_schedule",      "--multibyte=SQL_ASCII",       "--load-language=plpgsql",       "--no-locale"
It is why here. -- Is it no-locale? 

Hiroshi Saito

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From: Aidan Van Dyk
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL 8.4 development plan
From: Andrew Dunstan
Subject: Re: The question of LOCALE at the time of a regression test.