Re: Tyan Thunder MB for postgres server - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Iain
Subject Re: Tyan Thunder MB for postgres server
Msg-id 00bf01c4e17c$db69e100$7201a8c0@mst1x5r347kymb
Whole thread Raw
In response to Tyan Thunder MB for postgres server  ("Iain" <>)
Responses Re: Tyan Thunder MB for postgres server
Re: Tyan Thunder MB for postgres server
List pgsql-admin
Hi Ericson,

I'm planning on using the onboard LSI SCSI controller, and have read alot
about poor IO performance on Dells using LSI. Then  again, most of the talk
about Adaptec hasn't been all that complimentary either as I saw it ;-) It
seems that there is more to it than the name of the chip vendor. I havn't
heard anything bad about the Tyan opteron based boards in any configuration
yet though.

Thanks for your feedback,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ericson Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Tyan Thunder MB for postgres server

> We use that exact configuration right now, except with an Adaptec card
> and more RAM.
> We used RHEL 3.0, then switched to Fedora core 2 64Bit as a test, since
> this server was since placed into standby duties. Well, we needed to use
> the server when the main server went into maintenance recently, and it
> worked fantastically well with Fedora 64Bit.
> You want to get the RPM source package for Postgresql and build the
> RPM's instead of installing from source. This method builds the binary
> RPM's for your platform which you can then install normally afterwards.
> Warmest regards,
> Ericson Smith
> Tracking Specialist/DBA
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> +-----------------------+------------------------------+
> Iain wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've read a fair bit in these lists about server configurations, and
>> have come to some conclusions as to the kind of system that I want to
>> build. However, I would like to hear from anyone with specific
>> experience of this config. before I go ahead and buy it:
>> The system is based on a Tyan Thunder K8S motherboard, dual opterons
>> and 4GB RAM, and the LSI dual channel raid option. OS will be RHEL AS
>> 3 for AMD64
>> The Tyan/opteron options seems tobe quite popular as a postgres
>> server, but I'm not sure how many people are doing it all 64 bit, so
>> my specific areas of concern at the moment are:
>> 1. 64bit linux driver support - how is it?
>> 2. Is there a postgres 7.4.6 package available for this (ie AMD64) or
>> will I have to compile it myself?
>> Personally, I don't mind compiling it myself - have done it many
>> times, but since I have to write instructions for the system to be
>> completely re-built in the case of a failure, I'd rather go with
>> widely available packages as much as possible.
>> I hope to hear from you,
>> regards
>> Iain
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