Postmaster failed to start and/or accept connexion - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Laurent Ballester
Subject Postmaster failed to start and/or accept connexion
Msg-id 00bc01c3fae7$13d484f0$d58f3351@fleche
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Postmaster failed to start and/or accept connexion
List pgsql-hackers-win32

I downloaded the nightly snapshot of 2004-23-02, and compiled well with
MinGW/MSYS current release version. I have just to flex 'manually'
psqlscan.l file to be allow to finish compilation and link.

Then, through windows console, I launch initdb which run without any errors.
PGDATA is set up correctly. Unfortunately, postmaster launch with -I option
didn't start correctly. The error was "select() failed in statistics
collector ",  and seems to not accept any connexion.
For example createdb mydb command failed with error "could not connect to
database template1".

Did you modify or have a specific win32 postgresql.conf file to succeed to
run postgresql on Windows or maybe I forgot something to do.

I made the test on Windows XP prof with SP1


Laurent Ballester

pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: Claudio Natoli
Subject: Re: Win32 mingw libpq.dll
From: Joerg Hessdoerfer
Subject: Re: Postmaster failed to start and/or accept connexion