I would recomend MS Access/ODBC.
It works very fine both with linked Excel spreadsheets and PostgreSQL
Therefore, you can easily automate data import from Excel to PostgreSQL via
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Atkins" <steve@blighty.com>
To: "pgsql-general General" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Import to excel to postgres based website?
> On Jul 22, 2007, at 11:26 PM, novnov wrote:
>> The answer may or many not be very postgres specific but...what are some
>> possible routes that I could take to allows users to upload data from
>> excel
>> into a postgres via a website? I've never tried anything like this
>> before.
>> Are there standard modules that might help with this or will I have to
>> create from scratch? I am obviously hoping to find something I can just
>> plug
>> in. Users would be expected to have the xls ordered properly for the
>> routine
>> to work.
> It's something that would be pretty easy, given the right web platform,
> quite
> hard using the wrong one. Using perl, say, it would be less than a
> hundred
> lines of code. (Take uploaded file, crack xls format to extract data
> using one
> of the several CPAN excel reader modules, use DBI to insert it into the
> database).
> Uploading CSV (comma separated values) is likely to be easier in
> languages
> that don't happen to have support for xls, but CSV can only represent a
> small
> subset of xls.
> If the webserver itself it running on windows then there's all sorts of
> games you
> can play by remote controlling an instance of Excel, but doing that tends
> to
> be pretty fragile.
> Cheers,
> Steve
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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