newbie compilation and runtime errors - Mailing list pgsql-ports

From FTL Africa
Subject newbie compilation and runtime errors
Msg-id 00a301c33eed$477224e0$a84302c4@mc10
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List pgsql-ports
I am a fairly new user of prosgresql on linux. I have followed the instruction quite well, I’m sure. I have been working on the first program example in C and am getting an error when I run the program tests "testlibpq*.c"
1. With all the tests I am getting the following errors on running the tests:
    ./testlibpq:error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
    These are the version I am working with:
    postgreSQL : 7.2.1
    linux : 2.0.32
    gcc :
    I compiled using:
    cc –c –I/usr/local/pgsql/include testlibpq.c
    linked with:
    cc –0 testlibpq testlibpq.0 –L/usr/local/psql/lib –lpq
    ran with:
2. with testlibpq2.c I found a bug. Maybe this one has already been documented?
    It does not compile. It gives the following error message:
    testlibpq2.c:57 Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast.
    where you assign:    dbName = getenv("USER");
    To debug I include "stdlib.h"
3. with testlibpq3.c I get the following compilation error message:
    utils/geo_decls.h     No such file or directory
     I searched for the header file in /usr/local/pgsql/include, it actually doesn't have the         utils/ directory.
Any help will be highly appreciated. I am stuck at this point right now.
Thanks In Advance,

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