Hi Stef,
Your problem depends on what interface/programming language you're using.
In a Begin End transaction you will have to verify if the returned data is
good for you so then you decide if you run at the end "COMMIT" or
In php (and where is compatible) I suggest this:
//this is php code:
$error = false;
//I use a switch statement so I can jump out of it with a break at any time
switch (1){
case 1: ... $sql = "Insert...."; if (!dbExec($sql)) {$error = true; break;}//was an error?? we jump out
from switch ... $sql = "Select ...."; if (!dbExec($sql)) {$error = true; break;} ... $sql = "Update....";
if(!dbExec($sql)) {$error = true; break;} ...
if ($error) dbExec("ROLBACK"); //an error ocured
else dbExec("COMMIT");//there was no error
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stef" <svb@ucs.co.za>
To: <pgsql-sql@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 4:08 PM
Subject: [SQL] Exceptions when 0 rows affected.
Hi all,
I've been looking on Google,the archives and documentation,
but cannot find what I'm looking for. Maybe I've read the
answer, but it's still evading me.
I'm working with postgres 7.3.4 using the psql client.
I want to know if it's possible to raise an error in a
transactional BEGIN->END block when e.g. an update
or delete statement affects zero rows.
I want the entire transaction block to rollback when
this happens. I can do it in perl and java , but would
in this instance like to load a file with SQL statements
using psql -f . Is it possible?
Kind Regards