Hello everyone!
I've just installed postgres 8.1 on my pc whcih runs Windows 2000 Professional.
But i have a problem: i've created a Test table, and then installed and created the Odbc on another pc different from the pc on which i installed the Postgres Server.
I created a C-like program and the first time it was all ok, but after i can't connect to the machine through Odbc, so i create new odbc, but nothing, now i'm not able to connect to the sever. The program returns me an ODBC error! Why? It's very strange!
I've installed Postgres because i ha ve the necessity to have a Db able to manage multiple concurrent connections, but i'm new and i don't know how to program and set the Postgres DB in order to do this. Ehat i have to do in order to have automatic serialization with concurrent connections?
Please Help me!!
Thank you very much in advance!!

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