Re: Cache Lookup failed Error - while using Triggers - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From shreedhar
Subject Re: Cache Lookup failed Error - while using Triggers
Msg-id 005a01c25959$6a35fe40$1201a8c0@a4005
Whole thread Raw
In response to Cache Lookup failed Error - while using Triggers  ("shreedhar" <>)
List pgsql-admin
Hi Joe,

Thanks Alot,

I followed how u said, then if I execute the same insert statement the
following error is occuring.

ERROR : Parse error at or near "empname"

As I Check I didnot find any parse error there. This is error is occuring if
and only if 'emp' table have trigger. Is there any problem in function

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Conway" <>
To: "shreedhar" <>
Cc: "Postgres" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Cache Lookup failed Error - while using Triggers

> shreedhar wrote:
> > I am getting the following Error
> >
> > 'ERROR : fmgr_info : function 1059155 : cahce lookup failed
> > PostgreSQL status : PGRES_FATAL_ERROR'
> >
> > Can any body tell that what is this error. How can I solve this.
> >
> If you drop and recreate the function, you need to also drop and recreate
> trigger. Did you do the former without the latter?
> Joe

pgsql-admin by date:

From: Joe Conway
Subject: Re: Cache Lookup failed Error - while using Triggers
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