Re: Compilation problems - Mailing list pgadmin-support
From | Diego |
Subject | Re: Compilation problems |
Date | |
Msg-id | 005901c40ebe$ad3519d0$8720ac51@diegou0v9nqnij Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Compilation problems ("Diego" <>) |
Responses |
Re: Compilation problems
List | pgadmin-support |
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andreas Pflug" <> To: "Diego" <> Cc: <> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 9:49 AM Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] Compilation problems [...] > >It looks like linking problems with wxWindows libraries. > > > > Try configure's --with-wx=/usr/local/wx2.5 or wherever your wx. > installation went. > > Regards, > Andreas Hi Andreas, thanks a lot for your answer. I've tried that with no luck. I've also compiled wxWindows in shared libraries (--enable-shared option in configure script) but I get the same error when I try to compile pgadmin. I've taken a look at the (big) line which generates the "undefined reference" errors: g++ -DDATA_DIR=\"/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/\" -Wall -g -I../src/inc lude -I -Wall -g -O0 -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o pgadmin3 pgAdmin3.o pgConn.o pgSet.o keywords.o pgAggregate.o pgCast.o pgCheck.o pgCollection.o pgColumn.o pgConstraints.o pgConversion.o pgDatabase.o pgDomain.o pgForeignKey.o pgFunction.o pgGroup.o pgIndex.o pgIndexConstraint.o pgLanguage.o pgObject.o pgOperator.o pgOperatorClass.o pgRule.o pgSchema.o pgSequence.o pgServer.o pgTable.o pgTrigger.o pgType.o pgUser.o pgView.o pgDatatype.o ctlSQLBox.o ctlSQLResult.o frmExport.o dlgAddTableView.o events.o frmAbout.o frmChildTableViewFrame.o frmConnect.o frmMain.o frmOptions.o frmPassword.o frmQuery.o frmQueryBuilder.o frmHelp.o frmQBJoin.o frmSplash.o frmMaintenance.o frmEditGrid.o dlgProperty.o dlgUser.o dlgGroup.o dlgDatabase.o dlgLanguage.o dlgSchema.o dlgDomain.o dlgTable.o dlgColumn.o dlgIndex.o dlgFunction.o dlgView.o dlgRule.o dlgOperator.o dlgAggregate.o dlgCast.o dlgConversion.o dlgIndexConstraint.o dlgForeignKey.o dlgSequence.o dlgTrigger.o dlgType.o dlgCheck.o frmStatus.o misc.o sysLogger.o sysSettings.o xrcDialogs.o/usr/local/pgsql/lib/libpq.a -lcrypt -lssl -lcrypto As you can see, no wxWindows libraries are invoked. I'm not a gcc expert, but I think there should be something like this on the line above: "/usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2ud_core-2.5.a" or "-llibwx_gtk2ud_core-2.5". The static wxWindows libraries are stored in /usr/local/lib, which is included above, (-L/usr/local/lib), but the libraries have to be invoked explicitly, don't they? The wxWindows libraries currently present in my /usr/local/lib dir are: libwxexpatd.a libwx_baseud-2.5.a libwx_baseud_net-2.5.a libwx_baseud_xml-2.5.a libwx_gtk2ud_adv-2.5.a libwx_gtk2ud_core-2.5.a libwx_gtk2ud_html-2.5.a libwx_gtk2ud_stc-2.5.a libwx_gtk2ud_xrc-2.5.a Any idea of what can I do to fix this problem? Thanks again.
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