Re: Difference between insert a tuple in a table by function and by datasheet - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From DI Hasenöhrl
Subject Re: Difference between insert a tuple in a table by function and by datasheet
Msg-id 005901c0fd61$51c69e00$01011eac@irina
Whole thread Raw
In response to RE: Difference between insert a tuple in a table by function and by datasheet  ("Cyril Slucki" <>)
List pgsql-sql
Thank you for your information!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [SQL] Difference between insert a tuple in a table by function and by datasheet

From: "Cyril Slucki" <>

>   this is my 2nd attempt to get some links for my problem.
>   I don't know whether my question is so stupid or difficult or I'm in the
> wrong list. Please let me know.

You might try the pgsql-odbc or pgsql-interfaces lists - it's also worth
checking the archives for similar issues. I think the reason you've had no
success here is we're all waiting for someone with an answer to pipe up.
I put it in the pgsql-odbc list too

>   I have the following situation: ( I use MsAccess97 as frontend, ODBC
> 7.1.0003)
>   I insert tuples in a table with a plpgsql-function, called in a form via
> VBA-code. It works fine, but I can't update these tuples in datasheet
> ERROR: an other user has changed in the meantime.....but I'm the only.
>   When I insert tuples via datasheet view, I can update these tuples, but
> only these.
>   I can't see a difference between the tuples inserted by the function and
> datasheet, but it looks like, that the tuples are *marked*.
>   Please, give me some information to solve my problem.

Well - I can think out loud FWIW.

Access thinks something has changed the values, so there are a couple of
things you can try:

1. Are you experiencing any timezone/clock-related problems elsewhere?
2. If you insert tuples then quit and restart Access can you edit them at
that time?
3. Can you edit all tuples from psql?
4. If you write a pass-through query to update tuples does that work?
5. If you write a function to update tuples does that work?

If it's any use here are the ODBC settings I use:

Database, Server, User Name, Password - set as required
Port: 5432

On the Advanced Options (Driver) dialogue...
Disable Genetic Optimiser: Y
Recognize Unique Indexes: Y
Use Declare/Fetch: N
CommLog: N
ReadOnly: N
Parse Statements: N
Cancel as FreeStmt: N
Unknown Sizes: Maximum
Text as LongVarChar: Y
Unknowns as LongVarChar: N
Bools as Char: Y
Cache size: 100
Max Varchar: 1024
Max LongVarChar: 8190
Systable prefix: pg_;
Connect Settings: (blank)

Advanced Options (Postgresql) dialogue
Protocol: 7.X,6.4
all other items unticked/blank.
I use the same settings
Now, I have located the problem, but I can't solve it.
In my function, I make the following calculation:
    update KalkPreislisten_float8 SET  kp_ep = rkontingent.k_ep::float8        -- this works correct
but I have to calculate with a numeric type too (rwaehrung.w_euro is numeric(9,5))
update KalkPreislisten_float8 SET  kp_ep = rkontingent.k_ep::float8 *rwaehrung.w_euro::float8         -- this doesn't work
I discovered, that a calculation float * float causes, that I can't update tuples in datasheet view.
float * integer works correct
What I'm doing wrong?????
Please, let me know, how to realize calculations with type: float * float
Thanks in advance


pgsql-sql by date:

From: "David M. Richter"
Subject: Plsql Function with error: No space left on device.
From: "Richard Huxton"
Subject: Re: Plsql Function with error: No space left on device.