Our production server is running PostgreSQL v8.2.3 on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga) and for database connection management
we're using pgpool-II v2.0.1.
I've been following with one of the issue I was facing with pgpool in its
forums and mailing list, but till now I've not any found any
response/solution there.
Issue is:
Recently, we upgraded our JDBC driver 2 to JDBC driver 4. After changing to
JDBC driver 4, I'm not able to see none of the SQL statements printed in
pgpool log. What's going wrong?
Instead of SQL statements, I can see only the following lines:
2010-08-09 20:22:20 LOG: pid 20794: YYYYY
2010-08-09 20:22:20 LOG: pid 20794: YYYYY
2010-08-09 20:22:20 LOG: pid 20794: YYYYY
If I use JDBC driver 2, I don't have this problem. How do I fix this issue,
so that SQL statements are also printed in the pgpool log.
I know that this is not the right place to post, but I hope PostgreSQL
experts can assist me in the right direction to resolve this issue?