I haven't used PL/pgSQL very much but it looks like a good language in which
to make some simple functions for this application I'm writing..
Is it possible (with PL/pgSQL) to access other records in other tables than
the tuple that pulled the trigger (and called the function)?
Say this (pseudo code):
When a record is added to the invoice_payments table have a trigger fire and
call this function :
exec_sql -> UPDATE invoices SET total = total + <amount in amount_field in
the tuple> WHERE invoice_id=<value in the invoice ID of this tuple>
That's basically all I'd have to do.. There are a lot of these things that
could be handled by the backend and would make my life much easier..
I looked in the documentation but the examples only talk about rearranging
values within the tuple that fired the trigger which called the function
(wow, a mouth full).