"Red Pineseed" <yue207@home.com>. wrote:
> It looks like you don't have the user permission set up
> properly. Here is a jpg much like what you have descrbibed
> in the message. What the postmaster is not running in the
> background or the user permission is not set properly, you
> get a message like that.
> use the createuser command to create user and set proper
> permision and connect the db like.
Thanks for your note. PostgreSQL starts with a default user named Postgres,
as far as I know. (Does anybody know its password? I've been assuming it's
either 'postgres' or null.)
Mike Mascari wrote:
Except that there's a difference between "Connection refused",
which is typical of the postmaster not being started with the -i
option, and "Network unreachable", which is typical of a TCP/IP
application where the kernel cannot resolve the route to the
destination host. The user never did specify the success/failure
of testing loop-back via telnet on My bet is it didn't
work. My money's on Tom Lane.
I did try the loopback, as I mentioned in a note to Tom (perhaps off-line,
Agreed, his explanation makes sense, and I'm looking for the right place to
put the -i.
Anybody know the innards of that /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start